Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another beautiful sunset...

 Two postings in one day? It's almost 3am and I still can't sleep that's why. This week I attended a funeral service of someone I worked for years ago. It was a beautiful service and left reflecting about life in general. I decided to stroll through Fashion Island afterwards for a bit before going home and then realized the sun would be setting soon. Since last week I've been looking up at the sky to see if it's another beautiful sunset kind of day and this week was no exception. I didn't quite know where I could park and have a good view of the sunset so I turned on one street but ended up going the wrong way and no where to stop. I kept going thinking where I could go not knowing exactly how much time I had left to enjoy it. 

I ended up turning into a residential neighborhood, parked and I ran to the beach not wanting to miss a moment. I tend to take a lot of photos even within seconds of each other in case a different photo setting yields more vibrant colors or just to capture the time lapsing. I was at the beach for 30 minutes and took over 65 photos. I always have a hard time picking the "best of the best" because each photo has a unique take on capturing that moment in time.

I loved that it wasn't just a yellow and orange sunset but that the clouds were a pink hue as well.

Then the clouds became more peachy...

I loved how the light reflecting off the houses made it look like all the lights were on.

The tide started coming in which made it look like the ground was on fire.

I went home feeling happy that I experienced yet another wonderful moment that Mother Nature provided,

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos! So beautiful! My friend, Skyye, and I used to plan sunset photoshoots. We would wait for sunset and then take hundreds of photos of the sun setting.
