Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hike #2 at Mariposa Trail Loop

     I know it'a been almost a year since my last entry but I've been busier than ever. Today I went on a hike with my best friends at Laguna Wilderness Park based on Karin Klein's book, 50 Hikes in Orange County. The plan is to go through all 50 hikes. We did the Mariposa Trail Loop and based it on it being the best time to see the flowers. I also tested out my new 16-85mm lens and ended up with a lot of great photos. It was cool and overcast but it ended up being great for a hike.

We came across this beautiful plant several times along our hike. I don't know what it's called but it was amazing to see among the dry brush.

A cactus blooming.

This is the Weedi Mariposa Lily that the trail is named after and is only in bloom for 4-6 weeks in the spring. Although it wasn't a good rainy season we still managed to see a few although only one bloomed in a bush of dry brush.

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