Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Palms To Pines Sunrise

     So....I've been bad about posting pics to my blog so I'm going back at it. A quick weekend trip to the desert always turns into a photo op. I decided to catch the sunrise for the first time here since I'm now in the bad habit of waking up at 4:30am to workout even without an alarm.  

 I checked the sunrise time and headed out to Highway 74 from Palm Desert and winds it's way to Idyllwild. It's called the Palms to Pines for just that reason. I ended up going further than I intended and started freaking out a bit since I get scared being on unfamiliar, windy roads, didn't have my glasses on and the switchbacks were narrow. Luckily, there was a big turn off where I took these photos and not much traffic at that time of the day.

Sunrise over the Cochella Valley

Getting my car detailed has brought out the brightest blue out of my car

I love seeing these flowers against the blue skyline

This is how I prefer to take selfies
On the way down, some of the mountain still hadn't had the sun come up yet.

Sunset over the golf course before heading to the pool.

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